Love that quote from Microjoys! One of my favorite things is to find a photo in Google Photos from years ago (ideally an entertaining one) and send it to the friend who was there. So easy to forget what we've done or experienced, so it's always a cool way to connect with someone.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Tammy Strobel

A dear friend just sent me a photo from a lunch we shared together last year and it made my day brighter to receive it considering I’m going through a difficult time right now. It was like receiving a thoughtful gift❤️

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YES! It's such a small thing, and yet I think a lot of people think "oh, I should send this" and then don't for a variety of reasons. One of which is not wanting to "bother someone." Like we all don't want to remember the good moments from the past (memory dividends!) with the people we love.

Hope this difficult time unwinds for you and things are better soon. Take care.

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I loved "Microjoys." Such a good read. :)

Re photos: that's a great idea! I'll send a few photos to friends today.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Tammy Strobel

I've been reading you for years and I do remember one of the first times you mentioned a commonplace notebook. How time goes by! I'd never heard of them of course, together with so many things you've brought my attention to. It's easy to forget how many enriching and rewarding things the Internet can bring us when used right.

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Thanks for your longtime readership! I’m grateful. 😻

Commonplace notebooks are so fun to keep. I really like the constraints of this project, too I have to be mindful of what quote I choose. If I don’t have a quote for the day, I write down a delight.

And you are right--the Internet is an enriching place ... it’s all about how you use it. Sending hugs!⭐️😀

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Tammy Strobel

You have a great perspective. Thanks for your kind words 😊

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This looks like a really nice little five-year journal. A few years ago on a whim I regrettably took home not one, but two different multi-year journals both of which included different prompt questions for the day that do not spark my joy. And though I realize I could just not respond to the prompts, my brain is weird about stuff like that and so I just don't use them but since I already wrote in them a bit, I can't donate them or give them away to someone who might like to use them! It's SUCH a conundrum! (Jokey face here. Sort of.)

On the upside they both have very pleasant cover designs so they're nice sitting on the shelf. LOL.

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Thanks Libby! I'm loving this little journal.

I wondering: could you turn your notebooks into art journals? Or white out the prompts that bug you? Maybe you could try blackout poetry with the prompts? Austin Kleon has lots of good resources on art journaling and blackout poetry on his website.

Have fun, and thanks for reading! :)

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These are great suggestions. There is definitely room to turn them into something else. For some reason it hadn't occurred to me to put them in the materials bins! Not that I've managed to do much collaging, etc., yet, but I've been collecting stuff for such an occasion for awhile. LOL.

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I'm sure you can do something creative with them. Good luck! And, keep me posted. :)

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